For Additional Information
Phone: 780-356-2219 Mail: Horse Lake Hockey School Box 303 Hythe, AB T0H 2C0 Fax: 780-356-2269 Email: Click Here
Hockey & Goalie School - Winfield, BC (Nighttime Goalie School) July 11-15, 2005 July 18-27, 2005
-3 hours ice time per day -Powerskating and off ice dry land training each day -Free jersey -Sign up early for a chance to win 3 pairs of skates and gloves from Rebellion Hockey Hockey School: $395 Goalie School : $395
-3 hours ice time per day
-Powerskating and off ice dry land training each day -Free jersey
-Sign up early for a chance to win 3 pairs of skates and gloves from Rebellion Hockey Hockey School: $395 Goalie School : $395
Jersey Size: YSM YM YL MM ML MXL
Method of Payment: Visa MasterCard Cheque (CDN Only) Money Order (CDN Only) Credit Card Number: - - - expiry date: MM 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 / YY 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Cardholder Name:
Please Read & Agree To This Waiver
You as the guardian of the registered participant, who will be participating in activites of the Horse Lake/Hockey Futures Programs, agree that Hockey Future, it's instructors and/or it's proprietors will not be held responsible for any injury or loss however caused and agree to release Hockey Future, it's instructors and/or its proprietors from any claims, which may result of, or by reason of such injuries, accidents or loss and are aware of the refund and cancellation policy. Payments must be made in full prior to the registered participant, engaging in the Hockey Futures programs. There will be no refunds for any reason, unless the program in cancelled by the Hockey Futures administrator.
I Agree I Do Not Agree